2018 DIALOGUE WITH DIPLOMAT’S LUNCHEON SERIES – Invited Speaker: His Excellency Elin Suleymanov Republic of Azerbaijan Ambassador to the United States.

2024-05-14 11:13 pm - 2024-05-15 12:13 am

Join Sister Cities of Houston and the United Nations Association Houston to hear invited Speaker: His Excellency Elin Suleymanov Republic of Azerbaijan Ambassador to the United States.
Time: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Place: Ouisie’s Table, 3939 San Felipe, Houston, Texas 77027
Cost: $45 per person (includes lunch and water, soft drink, tea or coffee)
For more information contact: David Godwin, 2018 Dialogue with Diplomat’s Luncheon’s Chair at 713-301-7276 or by email at: Dgodwin977@aol.com

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